

Being the pride of the School, the library is a home to a wide collection of books ranging from reference books to fiction, non-fiction, encyclopedia periodicals, news papers etc. Children’s are exposed to a good store of reading material during the weekly library periods.

Twin Computer Labs

It is said that 21st Century belongs to the field of Information Technology and everyday brings about a revolution in the field of the Computer Science & Technology with this in mind the school has setup a state of art twin computer labs which enables the children to keep pace with the technological advancement of the world. A high speed broadband connection across all systems further helps the students to explore knowledge at their expediency.


What I learn – I forget

What I see – I remember

And What I do – I understand

Our aim is to promote through understanding of Concepts. For this the school also has well maintained physics, chemistry and biology labs which are regularly updated as and when required.

Math Lab & English Lab

What I learn – I forget

What I see – I remember

And What I do – I understand

With this strong ideology not restricted to particular subjects we have spread our canvas across all subjects and introduced new era lab i.e. English Lab & Math lab which facilitate practical knowledge among students.

Digital Classrooms

It empowers teachers to transform traditional black board and chalk class rooms into interactive sessions. The multimedia content enables teachers to better explain complex concepts, due to which students can retain information for a longer period of time.

Knowledge Centre

The school has come up with the novel idea of the knowledge Centre which allows teachers to prepare and put their innovations and creativity in the curriculum with the access to the internet.

Walkthru Attendance System

We have introduced walkthru attendance system. A System which can track the students attendance, send messages to parents when their ward enters the school premises or leaves for the day. By this way we are very much alert about the security of the students.

C.C.T.V & Security:

The Premises of SIA is under CCTV Surveillance to reinforce high security standards of the students, staff & other resources with Security personnel's round the clock.

Uninterrupted Power supply:

We have Generator backup to ensure uninterrupted power supply for smooth functioning of daily activities.

Well maintained Playground:

There is a well maintained playground in the school premises suitable for all types of outdoor games and activities. Use of the outdoors makes a major contribution to physical and environmental education and enhances many other curriculum areas. It contributes to personal growth and social awareness and develops skills for life