SIA Office Online

Students Academic documents: 

If you require bonafied certificate, Duplicate Marksheet, or Duplicate Leaving Certificate kindly fill the form with correct details of the student. Fill the form using the button given below. If your form data does not match our records the document will not be issued. Submitter Email ID is Very important as system mail will be send to it.

Students  Railway Concession Application: 

Those students who stay outside Dombivli and require railway Season concession Pass can apply for it. Kindly remember the address proof is important for verification like Aadhar Card of Student. 

Students Id Card Application: 

If student has lost his Id card kindly make the application here. Pay charge of Rs. 175/- using online payment mode and complete the application. 

Students eOut Pass: 

Parents Kindly fill in the form to generate eOut Pass for student if you wish to pick your child from the school before school timings.